Color Styling provides tools for finding colors for your website or logo. These great tools Color Styling Chart and Color Styling Picker will allow you to select the correct color for your Logo Design Request.
We believe that it is important for the viewer to see what colors are available on the web and how they differ from modified image enhancement colors. These colors are called Web safe colors.
Web safe colors is the list of colors that look the same on all operating systems. These colors could change if used for paper mediums, or web images. Since paper mediums like letterheads, business cards etc ... are mostly CYMK (Cyan =[blue], Yellow, Magenta=[red], Black) colors for printing, RGB ( Red, Green, Blue ) is widely used for the web. HEX colors seem to bring the two together because all colors have a hex code. Hex meaning 6 in this case 6 characters, for example for the color Red there are several tints of red but each have different character in a Hex code ... (#FF0000), (#CC0000), (#990000). Hex colors are used because it is simple to remember other than words and even using word like red or white does not really give you the exact color you are seeking. For example Sky Blue is ( #87ceeb ) seem simple however when using CYMK we have found 12 versions of that particular color. Since CYMK is widely used for printing it color values are based on percentages % which is why there are 4 versions of light sky blue, sky blue, and deep sky blue and only one of each version is web safe. [ skyblue6 cmyk(75%, 25%, 0%, 20%) ] not web safe [ skyblue5(Safe Hex3) cmyk(100%, 25%, 0%, 20%) ] web safe ... as you can see the two sky blues HEX and CYMK are different.
See the Color Chart below and select the right colors for your logo or websiteand type in the Hex code on you Logo Request form. Three (3) colors is the limit you can use for your logo, however if you need more contact us to give us more information about your logo concepts.
Make sure you checkout our Q&A Blog for the type of Logos you would like to represent your company.
Color Styling Chart
With this dynamic color
styling chart you can get HTML codes for basic colors.
Click on any color square to get its color styling code. Below
is a list of recently picked colors.
Color Styling Picker
Move the vertical slider to chose color and then click into color square on the left to get color styling code for desired color cast.
You can start with your own color by writing its color code in upper input field.